Tag Archives: Terry Pratchett

The objects of Discworld

Any world so richly textured as that of Discworld contains typical things—objects which exemplify the world’s worldview, so to speak.  Part of creator Terry Pratchett’s genius is that the Discworld is so richly textured that some of the signature objects are practically living characters.  That the objects have readily recognizable Roundworld counterparts just lets the […]

The people of Discworld (including trolls, dwarves, zombies…)

Vibrant recurring characters are at the heart of the Discworld experience.  Creator Terry Pratchett has a gift for letting dialogue and pithy description tango together, creating a “you are there” sensation.  It’s a good trick, considering “there” doesn’t, hasn’t, and probably will never exist, in the mundane, Roundworld sense. The opening scene of Discworld’s opening […]

Find hope, all ye who enter here

Discworld is the greatest English-language phenomenon that nobody in the United States has ever heard of. To quote Terry Pratchett, the creator of Discworld, “That sentence is wrong in every particular, but it’s quite a useful lie.” (From Pratchett’s 2002 novel Night Watch, the 29th novel in the Discworld series.) It would be more accurate […]